Thursday, April 17, 2014

Passover 2014


 To Jessica and Istvan, Josh and Annie, and Jason

Passover is always a special time here at the Machamer house. We have wonderful memories of previous Passovers along with beautiful bonding. We sure missed you last night. Can you tell by the look on our faces.

Josh and Annie Passove 2013
 Last year, Josh and Annie's first date was to come to our house for Passover. It was a very special night and we fell in love with Annie along with Joshua. It was a magical night with good food, and a beautiful seder led  by husband, and lots of laughter.

Joy and Tim 2012 Passover/Rehearsal dinner
IN 2012,  my daughter Joy and her husband Tim had their rehearsal dinner at a beautiful restaurant in Mount Dora. The room that they gave us was enclosed and surrounded by french doors all the way around and was elevated above the restaurant giving it the feeling of an upper room. The passover seder was presented before the rehearsal dinner by  my husband. He did such a beautiful job.

In 2011 my son Jason was the only one with us for Passover and it was our first time doing it ourselves. We did not realize how many glasses of wine you have to drink throughout the seder.I am a lightweight as far as alcohol and can't drink more than 1/4 cup of wine before feeling buzzed. So, needless to say by the end of the dinner and seder which is quite lengthy, I was laughing hysterically at anything. My son, Jason, had never seen me like this and to him it was quite funny.

So this year, we had Joy and Tim over for Passover.We couldn’t find the booklet that we use to guide us through the seder part of the meal.. So, without the booklet we were kind of left to our interpretation of the meal. It got quite comical at times as everybody threw in their idea of why a certain item was on the table. Tim offered to go get his Ipad out of the car and look up instructions, but Ernest said no. I have to say it was more interesting this way. According to my husband the chicken and gravy were superb. I don't get that compliment very often from him.
So for the dinner we had:
chocolate dipped  matza bread (I'm loving the chocolate version, cause the plain version is you know, plaaaaaaaaaaaain) Jess you would have loved this!

roasted chicken
baked potatoes
seder part: wine, wine, and some wine, haroset, boiled egg, salt water and lettuce, parsley. We didn't have the horseradish..because I thought we had some but didn't.

 Here is the recipe I used for the chicken

4 garlic cloves finely grated
1 T salt
1/2 T olive oil
1 T paprika
1/2 T smoked paprika
1 6 lb whole chicken
2 T homemade chutney 

Preheat oven to 350

Mix garlic, salt, oil and both paprikas in a small bowl. Mix to blend well. Using your hands, smear paste all over outside of chicken, rubbing to coat the skin.As an  afterthought I added chutney also with my hands on top of the was not very cooperative getting in on the bird..i ended up having to slap the chicken silly with the chutney in order for the chutney to stay on. (I know you're laughing Ree)   I placed a peeled onion inside the cavity, because i was out of apples. Chill, uncovered for at least 4 hours to let flavors ripen. Place the bird  in a roaster with a little bit of broth and cover with lid. By mistake I put the breast side up and oh my goodness when it was done it was so tender.... Bake in oven according to poundage. The chutney made the skin crisp up real nice.

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